
Most ideas, methods and approaches presented in this publication are based on the experience and expertise of people engaged professionally in developing the Youth Council model, further complemented by partner organizations and young councillors’ research and personal experience. The publication tackles such topics as general picture of youth participation, youth policy and Youth Councils in Poland, Spain and France, the role of Youth Councils, how building motivation and good cooperation in the team, diagnosis of local communities and strategic planning of the Youth Council, how to create an inclusive model of Youth Council. It also address effective cooperation with local authorities, relevant stakeholders and decision makers as well as capacity building and sustainability of Youth Councils.

We hope that this publication will prove to be a useful and inspiring source of information, ideas, tools and methods for all people interested in encouraging young people to be actively involved in the political, social and cultural life of their communities.


The publication is available free of charge. Download:

MANUAL Inclusive Powerful Youth Councils ENG

MANUAL Conseils de jeunes locaux forts et inclusifs FR

MANUAL Consejos Locales de la Juventud inclusivos y empoderados ESP

MANUAL_Integracyjne i silne rady młodzieżowe_PL